It's a total stretch I know (!) but I was stuck by the similarities in composition, form and color between the recent photo of the Carina Nebula in the Milky Way taken with the James Webb Space Telescope, and my 2001 painting entitled "Desert Spirit." I'm not sure what the connection is, but it's amazing how the work of the imagination and the creative process, can sometimes mimic or access cosmic realms, dream worlds, and mystical spaces.
Accolades on social media:
"I totally see it! Beaudelaire would call this « correspondences ».......I love your painting, BTW!" L Caroline Bergeron
"I agree completely with what you have shared regarding imagination and accessing other realms and worlds. The comparison here is strikingly beautiful." Patricia Ballentine
"What Patricia Ballentine said! Cosmic bodymind!" 🌀💙 Louise Hewett
"I see the similarity. Beautiful!" Deirdre Howie
"Your subconscious/conscious connecting with Cosmic Mind." ✨❤️✨
Rosemary Robertson
"It's atavistic." Andras Corban-Arthen
"I totally see it! Beaudelaire would call this « correspondences ».......I love your painting, BTW!" L Caroline Bergeron
"I agree completely with what you have shared regarding imagination and accessing other realms and worlds. The comparison here is strikingly beautiful." Patricia Ballentine
"What Patricia Ballentine said! Cosmic bodymind!" 🌀💙 Louise Hewett
"I see the similarity. Beautiful!" Deirdre Howie
"Your subconscious/conscious connecting with Cosmic Mind." ✨❤️✨
Rosemary Robertson
"It's atavistic." Andras Corban-Arthen
Pegi Eyers is also the author of Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community, an award-winning book that explores social justice, nature spirituality, the ancestral arts, and resilience in times of massive change. |