Book Launch Salon with Contributors!
Section 2: Seeing With Inner Eyers
Four Icons of Willendorf - Matrifocal Art by Pegi Eyers
"Our contributors individually and collectively take an audacious action to voice the conviction that we all are interconnected on a cosmic level. We mean not only interspecial kinship but also unity with intercosmic entities including constellations and deities. Seeking intercosmic kinship is salvific, not only to women and men but also to ALL in the matriverse (maternally perceived universe). Our goal is not just being awakened but staying awakened to the Oneness of ALL in the matriverse. We hope our readers experience the power of speaking truth (removing illusions) embodied in the essays, poems, fictions, photographic works, artworks, and art essays of this volume." Co-Editors Helen Hye-Sook Hwang, Ph.D. and Helen Benigni, Ph.D
Section One: Understanding Intercosmic Kinship
Section Two: Seeing with Inner Eyes
Section Three: As Above, So Below
Section Four: Consolidating Matriversal Kinship
Celebrating Intercosmic Kinship of the Goddess
>Purchase Paperback or PDF here<
"This anthology is nothing less than a jewel in the lotus, a deep-delving, soul-tingling collection of amazing art, uplifting accounts of the censored, belittled, and erased wisdom traditions that brave women are now bringing back. Thanks to the book’s varied, rigorous, artistic, creative, intellectual, and academic contributions, we may all shape-shift, thanks to the recovery of original instructions, meant to heal the world from dominator culture. I loved it!" Dr. Kaarina Kailo, fellow, the Archeomythological Institute, Scholar of Bear and Sauna mythology, Finland
Four Icons of Willendorf
Matrifocal Art by Pegi Eyers
Iconic Willendorf 1
Iconic Willendorf 1 ~ digital giclée print on archival paper
Limited edition archival-quality GICLEE PRINT, edition of 175, signed and numbered, ready-to-frame. Image size 4x7, presentation package 8x10. Price includes shipping in Canada/USA.
Iconic Willendorf 1 - note card
NOTE CARD (blank). Price includes shipping in Canada/USA.
Iconic Willendorf 2
Iconic Willendorf 2 ~ digital giclée print on archival paper
Limited edition archival-quality GICLEE PRINT, edition of 175, signed and numbered, ready-to-frame. Image size 4x7, presentation package 8x10. Price includes shipping in Canada/USA.
Iconic Willendorf 2 ~ note card
NOTE CARD (blank). Price includes shipping in Canada/USA.
Iconic Willendorf 3
Iconic Willendorf 3 ~ digital giclée print on archival paper
Limited edition archival-quality GICLEE PRINT, edition of 175, signed and numbered, ready-to-frame. Image size 4x7, presentation package 8x10. Price includes shipping in Canada/USA.
Iconic Willendorf 3 - note card
NOTE CARD (blank). Price includes shipping in Canada/USA.
Iconic Willendorf 4
Iconic Willendorf 4 ~ digital giclée print on archival paper
Limited edition archival-quality GICLEE PRINT, edition of 175, signed and numbered, ready-to-frame. Image size 4x7, presentation package 8x10. Price includes shipping in Canada/USA.
Iconic Willendorf 4 - note card
NOTE CARD (blank). Price includes shipping in Canada/USA.
Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community"
an award-winning book that explores strategies for intercultural
competency, healing our relationships with Turtle Island First Nations, uncolonization, recovering an ecocentric worldview, rewilding, creating a sustainable future and reclaiming peaceful co-existence in Earth Community.
Available from Stone Circle Press or Amazon.